Hi ,
I messed up. When you signed up yesterday, you should have got the below email asking when you
want to hear from me.
I forgot to tick a sneaky box in Aweber, so the automation didn't fire.
Please would you take a second and let me know your preference...
Here's the email...
Thanks for letting me into your world.
To respect that, as I mentioned, I’m going to give you two options.
You can choose to only get the course launch details or you can choose to get my regular ‘copywriting for authors’ emails.
Some things I’ve talked about previously include:
And lots more besides.
My main goal is to help you think about, understand, and apply the principles of copywriting to your book marketing - and hopefully increase your sales.
I typically write about twice a week, sometimes only once and very occasionally three times.
You can, of course, opt-out at any time - not that I’d want that, but you’re free to choose.
So, go ahead, let me know what you want to do…
I want to get your weekly emails
Just send me details about the course
If you spot any typos or run on sentences or dangling thingamies, please be kind and let it slide. Save your energy for something better.
😤 Had enough of these emails? The easiest thing to do is unsubscribe. Scroll a bit further down to find the link.
🧐 New Around here? Did someone forward you this email? Feel free to get involved and sign up at https://thebookfunnellady.aweb.page
🤝 Work with me? If you'd like a copy critique, help with your book description, or email marketing, or a funnel audit, just hit reply.
🤔 Got a question? Have you got a burning question about copywriting? Feel free to hit reply and ask away. You never know, other authors
might be wondering the same thing!