So this week has gone utterly pear-shaped.
It's taking me waaayyyy longer than I had anticipated, part of that is to do with my energy levels.
By the time I've dealt with the kids, tackled a day's work, dealt with the kids again, and then sit down to write the hooks... well, there's not a lot of brain juice
Plus, I've had a glut of copywriting work to do.
So this week, I've only made it two days worth of hooks...and I still haven't finished off Day 5.
Here are the links to the hooks if you want to check 'em out:
Day 6 - The Copper's Lot - A non-fiction about life as a police officer in Britain
Day 7 - Airliner Down - A techno-thriller - don't read it if you're afraid of flying
I think going forward, trying to do them daily is a sure-fire way to burnout. I mean, I've got to be realistic, it's just not
going to happen.
And because I'm the only one that will really be beating myself up about it, I've decided to shoot for 3 a week.
That way, I can split the time over a few evenings and not crumble under some self-imposed pressure.
In the meantime, I'll stick to these Sunday updates.
Hope you have a
good week.
If you spot any typos or run on sentences or dangling thingamies, please be kind and let it slide. Save your energy for something better.
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